WordPress Permalink Structure

Search engines love links that provide keywords in the URLs. Selecting the correct permalink structure is one of the best ways you can increase SEO for your site.

How To Create Or Edit Robots.txt

A robots.txt file can easily be created from any text editor. Be sure to include your sitemap URL, user-agents, user-agent allows, and user-agent disallows.

Google Announces Analytics Academy

Google just announced their new Analytics Academy. This will be a free course available for anyone wanting to learn and understand more about Google Analytics.

How To Install Windows 7

Here's a quick tutorial on how to install Windows 7. Before installing, be sure you back up any data on the drive and have your product key handy.

Using Adwords For Keyword Planning

The Keyword Planner is a great tool for anyone writing articles for a website. It allows us to enter in keywords or phrases to see how often they are being searched per month.

Embed Twitter Into WordPress

Embedding Twitter into a widget on your WordPress website is simple and can be very beneficial. We’ll take a look at how to embed the Twitter timeline.