Amazon mTurk Review

I recently signed up for Amazon’s Mechanical Turk Marketplace. mTurk is a marketplace where workers can complete online tasks to earn income.

How To Install Windows XP

After booting from the disk, wait for setup to begin. This can take up to a few minutes. Follow the on-screen directions. To setup Windows XP, press enter. To continue, you must agree to Microsoft’s…

YouTube Creator Academy

Did you know that YouTube offers a free Academy program for video creators? Whether you are new to creating videos or a long time video veteran, this might be a program for you to check out.

Build Your Own Router Using Untangle

Untangle is Linux based network gateway software that is free to use. You can turn an old PC into a fully functional router for your in-home network.

How To Optimize SQL Database

Every once in a while it’s a good idea to optimize your website’s SQL database tables. This will ensure things are running at their full potential.