

LiteSpeed Cache wpDiscuz CSS/JS Minify Fix

When trying to use LiteSpeed Cache and wpDiscuz together, there are some problems when using minify CSS and JS. The comment box doesn’t work properly and you will see 404 errors in the console. We need to exclude wpDiscuz files…

What Software To Put On Chromebook After EOL

In my previous post What to do after Chromebook reaches EOL, I mentioned that ChromeOS will eventually hit EOL (End of Life). The device itself is still in perfect condition, but will need new software. Luckily, we can put Linux…

What To Do After Chromebook Reaches EOL

Unfortunately, Chromebooks will eventually reach EOL (End of Life). This means that the Chromebook’s operating system will no longer be updated for that particular model. To clarify, the Chromebook itself will still be fully functional with all apps and extensions…