LiteSpeed Cache wpDiscuz CSS/JS Minify Fix

When trying to use LiteSpeed Cache and wpDiscuz together, there are some problems when using minify CSS and JS. The comment box doesn’t work properly and you will see 404 errors in the console. We need to exclude wpDiscuz files from caching.

Just add these to the CSS/JS excludes.

JS Files:


Quill was the only JS that seemed to log a warning in the console aside from the main JS exclusion. You may need to exclude more third party JS later on.

CSS Files:


In wpDiscuz general settings for Combine JS and CSS Files to Optimize Page Loading Speed and Minify JS and CSS Files to Optimize Page Loading Speed, I’m leaving these turned on. So far I’m not seeing any issues.

wpDiscuz combine JS and CSS

I’ll keep an eye on this setup, but if something changes, I’ll update this.

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